The determination to provide a healthy food that would benefit as many families as possible, gave us the the idea of making vegetable milk from the pumpkin seed Cucurbita Argyrosperma. Our main goal was for this milk to have the flavor, texture and nutrients of this unique and special seed.

The pumpkin seed, specifically the Cucurbita Argyrosperma native to the Mayan region, has a unique and special flavor and extraordinary nutritional content, which has made it one of the best natural superfoods since ancient times.

Our Process
This Process allow us to make full use of the entire pumpkin seeds, wasting absolutely nothing and obtaining as a result a SUPERIOR 100% NATURAL vegetable milk, that contains all the benefits and nutrients of the seed, plus a delicious and creamy flavor without the need to use any kind of artificial additions such as chemical preservatives or gums that could harms in any way the health of our consumers.
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We can proudly say that our special raw material and unique processing method, has allowed us to reach our goal, now we can offer exactly what we wanted at the beginning of our quest,
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We can proudly say that our special raw material and unique processing method, has allowed us to reach our goal, now we can offer exactly what we wanted at the beginning of our quest,
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Offer superior foods that provide health and guaranteed nutrition to all consumers.
A food product can have many nutritional benefits and great taste, but if it's not produced in a sustainable way it would be harmful for the environment and would become unfavorable for humans in the future. The Cucurbita Argyrosperma, uses 3 to 9 times less water in the planting process than the raw material of the most consumed vegetable milks today. In addition to this, more than half of the seed that we used to make our milk is harvested naturally with rainwater.
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Offer superior foods that provide health and guaranteed nutrition to all consumers.
A food product can have many nutritional benefits and great taste, but if it's not produced in a sustainable way it would be harmful for the environment and would become unfavorable for humans in the future. The Cucurbita Argyrosperma, uses 3 to 9 times less water in the planting process than the raw material of the most consumed vegetable milks today. In addition to this, more than half of the seed that we used to make our milk is harvested naturally with rainwater.
Determined to provide health through foods made with specially selected and carefully processed ingredients, the TORI brand was born: